Сибирский юридический вестник № 3
Вопросы теории и истории государства и права /
Issues of the Theory of the State and Law
Арзуманов И. А., Шишкин С. И. Политико-правовые и социально-экономические аспекты понятия «территория»
анализа концепции стратегического планирования / 3-9
Arzumanov I. A., Shishkin S. I. Political, Legal and Socio-economic Aspects of the Concept of Territory as a Factor
in Comprehensive Development. Part 4: Strategic Planning Conceptual Analysis of the Normative-Legal Fundamentals
Kuzmin I. A. Objective and Subjective Prerequisites for the Interpretation of Law
Pochekaev R. Yu. Traditional Law of Mongolia under the Power of Qing Empire as it Described by Russian Travelers
of the End of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th cc.
Вопросы конституционного, муниципального, административного и финансового права /
Issues of Constitutional, Municipal, Administrative and Financial Law
Zarezina S. N. About Some Linguistic Criteria of Disparagement of Another Person’s Honour,
Dignity, Business Reputation and Insult as Administrative Offences
Mashukova T. A. Collective Lawsuit and Procedural Complicity in Administrative Proceedings
Вопросы частного права / Issues of Private Law
Kitsai J. A. Socially Important Markets in the System of Legal Regulation of Public Relations
Komkov S. A. Ideology of the Labor Law of Russia
Kulezin M. A. Forehended, Necessary and Sufficient Measures as a Criterion for Liability Relief of an Internet Service Provider
Вопросы уголовного, уголовно-исполнительного права и криминологии /
Issues of Criminal, Criminal-Penitentiary Law and Criminology
Garmishev J. V., Kuznetsov V. I. Swindle in Area of Entrepreneurial Business: the Socially-legal Nature
of the Criminal Liability, Prospect of a Legislative Regulation
Laikova E. A. Subjective Elements of the Offences Stipulated in art. St. 3222, 3223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Parkhomenko S. V., Litvintsev A. A. Concept of «Mercenary» in Russian and International Criminal Law: Comparative Law Aspect
Вопросы судопроизводства и криминалистики /
Issues of Legal Proceeding, and Criminalistics
Аristarhov A. L. Characteristic Provacative Actions at Realization Operational-Investigative Activities
and the Possible their Difinitions in the Criminal Process
Belkov V. A. Certain Aspects of Inverstigation of the Murder Committed By Order
Bryanskaya E. V., Shishkina N. E. Constitutional and Theoretical Bases of Proof in the Criminal Case in the
Central Stage of Criminal Proceedings
Vishnevsky A. V. Proof of Poper Notice of the Persons Participating in Arbitration Proceedings
Вопросы международного права и сравнительного правоведения /
Issues of International and Comparative Law
Karepova K. A., Lisauskayte V. V. Conflict of Laws and the Lex Specialis in Situations of Armed Conflict
Meshcherikov V. A. Customs Regulation of the Shipment of Goods in International Postal Items
Mikhaleva I. A. Anti-corruption as a Legal Regime: Comparative Analysis of Doctrine