Specialization: «The law in the field of region foreign affairs».
The subdepartment of International Law and Comparative Law of The Law Institute of Irkutsk State University invites graduates of Russian law (humanitarian) higher education institutions and foreign residents graduate of foreign law schools to educate on the 2014-2015 academic year and get qualification Master of Laws on the major 030900.68 «Jurisprudence» according to specialization: «The law in the field of region foreign affairs».
The occupational category of Master of Laws according to specialization «The law in the field of region foreign affairs» includes institutional-and-managerial, legal, foreign policy and international economic activity in state and international bodies and organization, which includes focused on development and evaluation multinational and intergovernmental agreement, foreign trade transactions and treaties, realization of legal examination, development and realization of legal norms in the field of international and private international law, guarantee law and order, legal support of international economic activity, realization scientific investigation, rendering of natural and legal persons counselling services.
A graduate this specialization of training learns for professional legal activities in international, multinational and intergovernmental bodies and organization in the first place region international character (Asian-Pacific Region or Europe), state and community bodies and organization, Russian and foreign businesses and organizations of commercial character, law enforcement agencies, research institutions and education institutions.
The master's student according to specialization «The law in the field of region foreign affairs» is permitted teach-and-learn capability in the program of «Double Diploma» of The Law Institute of Irkutsk State University and The University named after Adama Mickiewicza (Poznan, Poland) with deepen specialization in regional international law of Europe.
The following course units and forms of practical education are offered by the subdepartment of International Law and Comparative Law of The Law Institute Irkutsk State University for realization of purposes and intents of the major legal experts of this specialization.
The basic subjects:
Topical issues of international law;
Philosophy of law;
History and methodology of juridical science;
History of political and legal thought;
Comparative law;
Modern English in the field of foreign affairs.
The special subjects:
Genesis of regional international law;
Comparative private law;
Special aspects of international treaties of the Russian Federation;
Methodological questions and doctrines of state administration;
International Humanitarian Law;
Legal regulation of international economic activity;
World Trade Organization: special aspects of international legal regulation of treatments and consideration of disputes;
Law of EU;
European Convention of Fundamental Rights and Human Liberties and citizen;
Topic of interest of political science and science of law in Asian-Oceanian countries;
Special aspects of legal status of foreign residents in Asian-Oceanian countries;
Development of legal system of Asian-Oceanian countries.
For persons who trainee on the program of «Double Diploma» instead last three subjects are read:
Human Resource Management;
International and European Tax Law;
Law of Obligation. Roman Foundations of European Legal Tradition.
The practice:
teaching practicum;
legal advisory work;
research practice.
A graduate of master's programme this specialization of training 030900.68 «Jurisprudence» according to specialization «The law in the field of region foreign affairs» is given a state-recognized degree with award «Master of Laws». The master's degree acknowledges in many European nations and also native and foreign employers.
In case of a graduate completed training successfully within the program of «Double Diploma», he has also been given degree of the University named after Adama Mickiewicza (Poznan, Poland) with award «Master of Law».
The field of application of professional competence magisters according to specialization «The law in the field of region foreign affairs»:
International multinational, intergovernmental and non-governmental organization, and its agencies (bodies);
state authorities;
municipal authorities;
foreign commercial and non-commercial organizations;
native commercial and non-commercial organizations, irrespective of the form of ownership of and a form of activity;
transnational company (corporation);
entrepreneur without the formation of a legal entity;
self-employment (individual enterprise).
The completion of the Master's degree programme according to specialization «The law in the field of region foreign affairs» permits graduate to work on all kinds appointment meaning practice at international and private international law, comparative law as in Russia so out of its border.
The more information according to master's programme of education posts on a website lawinstitut.ru under the head «Education program → Master's degree programme».
Term of intramural and correspondence mode of study on specialization – 2 years.
The Cost of educating for Russian Federation citizen on 2014-2015 academic years is:
intramural mode of study - 81 700 rubles (with enabling payment on semesters);
correspondence mode of study - 42 000 rubles (with enabling payment on semesters).
The Cost of educating for foreign resident on 2014-2015 academic years is:
intramural mode of study - 85 200 rubles (with enabling payment on semesters);
correspondence mode of study - 45 000 rubles (with enabling payment on semesters).
The entrance trials:
testing for entry in the Master's degree programme (The testing program posts on a website lawinstitut.ru under the head «Education program → Master's degree programme»).
Additionally for foreign resident – testing on the Russian language (can be repealed in case of presenting certificate on the Russian language not lower than second level).
The enumeration of documents for entry.
For Russian Federation citizen:
notify about entry;
document about completed university degree: Specialist Degree or Bachelor's Degree (independent from branch of study or area of focus);
copy of the Russian Federation citizen passport;
photography in size 3х4 centimeters – 6 pieces.
For foreign resident:
notify about entry;
document about received degree (with pointing of studied subjects, hours expended on learning subjects and arrived at a valuation, marks, grade points), which shall be:
legalized within a country of education, or in a country given a document;
equivalent document about education state-recognized Russian Federation (acknowledgment is realized by The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation because of The Administration of international calling of the ISU);
translated on the Russian language;
notarized by Russian notary officer or The Consular Agency of the Russian Federation in a country given a document, or the Consular agency of country in the Russian Federation given a document.
copy of national passport;
copy of visa;
photography in size 3х4 centimeters – 6 pieces.
The more information at request to presented document posts on a website lawinstitut.ru under the head «Prospective university student → Entry of the foreign resident».
Taking documents from the 20th June till the 15th August 2014.