Georgievsky E., Kravtsov R. Development of Institute of the Implications of the Crime in the Criminal Law of the Moscow State
Eliseev S., Tynianaia M. Classifying of Omission of Officials under Competing Criminal and Legal Norms
Маркунцов С. А. Некоторые размышления об объекте общезапретительных уголовно-правовых отношений 20-26
Markuntsov S. Some Thoughts about the Object of General Restraining Criminal Law Relations
Назаров А. Д., Майорова Л. В. Следственные и судебные ошибки, связанные с неправильным применением
уголовного закона и нарушениями его запретов 27-33
Nazarov A., Mayorova L. Investigatory and Judicial Errors in the Context of Incorrect Application of the Criminal Law and Its Prohibitions Violations
Parkhomenko S. Problems and Possibilities of the Reasonable Risk Legal Reglamentation Development
история и перспективы развития 40-45
Prozumentov L., Suturin M., Terentieva V. Peculiarities of Criminal-legal Impact Juvenile: History and Prospects
Садовникова М. Н., Мокеев И. Р. Лишение свободы несовершеннолетних: некоторые вопросы эффективности 46-52
Sadovnikova M., Mokeyev I. Deprivation of Liberty of the Minors: Some Issues of Effectivness
Sereda I. Tax Crimes: Improving Legislative Regulation and Sentencing
Mushinsky M. Structural-functional and Legalpraxeological Characteristic of the Legislation on Minors
и их уголовная классификация(на примере Приамурского таможенного округа) 68-72
Sinichenko V. Corruption Offenses of Employees of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire at the
Beginning of the Twentieth Century and Their Criminal Classification (on Materials of the Priamursky Customs District)
и теоретико-правовые аспекты понятия «развитие». Часть 3 73-78
Arzumanov I., Lichichan O. Factors of Complex Development of Territories and Administrative Units.
Social and Theoretical-Legal Aspects of the Concept of Development. Part III
за нарушение правил дорожного движения 79-83
Janusz C. To the Question about Gaps in the Russian Legislation on the Example of Administrative
Responsibility for Violation of Traffic Rules
Зейналова Р. А. Незаключенность гражданско-правового договора как юридический факт 84-88
Zeynalova R. The not Concluded Civil Contract as a Legal Fact
Shevchyuk E. The Procedures аnd Standards of Medical Care as Tools in Assessing the Quality
of Medical Services in Russia
Брянская Е. В. Предмет доказывания в квалификации преступного деяния 95-100
Bryanskaya E. Evidence Subject to the Qualification of a Criminal Act
Smirnov V. Misappropriation of Find: Some of the Problems Arising in Practice of Courts and Authorities of Preliminary Investigation
Тирских М. Г., Аббасов О. Т. Аппроксимация права и взаимодействие правовых систем 109-114
Tirskikh M., Abbasov O. Approximation of Law and the Interaction of Legal Systems
Philatova U., Lagunova E. Analysis of Legal Regulation of Games and Betting the Russian and Foreign Law Enforcement