УДК 340.158
Ящук Татьяна Федоровна
доктор юридических наук, доцент, профессор
кафедра теории и истории государства и права
Омский государственный университет им. Ф. М. Достоевского
644077, Россия, г. Омск, пр. Мира, 55а
тел. +7 382 63-26-87
e-mail: yashukomsu@mail.ru
Аннотация. Рассмотрена кодификация советского права, которая велась в 1920–1930-х гг. Дается информация о кодексах
(Административном, Жилищном и Строительном), которые остались в виде проектов, о специфике их составления
и реакции юридической общественности. Освещены причины прекращения кодификационных работ. Делается вывод,
что кодификационные проекты отразили эволюцию политического режима и законодательных приоритетов государства.
В 1920-е гг. разрабатываются кодексы, направленные на юридическое закрепление принципа децентрализации,
административной регламентации и законности деятельности государственных учреждений. В 1930-е гг. приоритетным
является развитие уголовного и уголовно-процессуального законодательства.
Ключевые слова: история права, история советского законодательства, кодификация законодательства,
история кодификации, проекты кодексов.
Unrealized Codification Projects of Soviet Legislation in the 1920-1930’s
Yashchuk Tatyana Fedorovna
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor
Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Dostoevsky Omsk State University
55a, Mira, pr., Omsk, Russian Federation, 644077
phone +7382 63-26-87
e-mail: yashukomsu@mail.ru
Abstract. The codification of Soviet law was conducted in the 1920–1930s. Most of the codes were approved in 1922–1923. Some
of the codes prepared in the 1920s remained in the form of projects. It was the Administrative Code, the Housing Code and the
Construction Code. The Administrative Code was most intensively prepared. It included regulations on various bodies of Soviet
management and on administrative responsibility. The most productive was the work on the drafting of the Administrative Code.
As a result, the completed project was prepared and published. He was actively discussed by the legal community. The discussions
reflected the process of the formation of the science of Soviet administrative law. The draft code included a description of only local
authorities. The developers believed that the legal status of the highest authorities is established by the Constitution. The draft code
was criticized for the dualism and contradictory content. The main reason for the cessation of codification works was the uncertainty
of the subject of administrative law, the complexity of its distinction from the subject of state law. As a result, the managerial concept
of administrative law was established in Soviet law. The project of the Criminal Code was drafted in the late of 1920s. The work was
supervised by N. V. Krylenko. The project was also actively discussed. Many of the principles of criminal law that were previously
used were rejected, like bourgeois ones. The authors changed the distribution of criminal norms in the General and Special Parts.
There was an idea of the possibility of completely abandoning the General Part of the Criminal Code. The proposals on the redistribution
of criminal norms between the laws of the USSR and the legislation of the RSFSR are developed and implemented. The powers
of the USSR are being strengthened in regulating criminal and legal relations. The idea of the creation of the Criminal Code of the
USSR and the Code of Criminal Procedure of the USSR is being expressed. Codification projects reflected the evolution of the
political regime and the legislative priorities of the state. In the 1920s codes are being developed aimed at the legal consolidation
of the principle of decentralization, administrative regulation and the legitimacy of the activities of state institutions. Private interests
were taken into account. In the 1930s, the development of criminal and criminal procedural legislation was a priority.
Keywords: history of law, history of Soviet legislation, codification of legislation, history of codification, projects of codes.
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