К вопросу о ресоциализации несовершеннолетних правонарушителей: работа с семьей как основа профилактики преступности несовершеннолетних

УДК 343.8


Садовникова Марианна Николаевна 

кандидат юридических наук, доцент

кафедра уголовного права

Юридический институт, Иркутский государственный университет

664003, Россия, г. Иркутск, ул. К. Маркса, 1

тел. +7 3952 74-77-35

e-mail: uventa2001@mail.ru


Анищенко Алена Сергеевна

юрист, медиатор

некоммерческая организация «Иркутский Молодежный Фонд правозащитников «Ювента»

664081, Россия, г. Иркутск, ул. Пискунова, 160, оф. 525

тел. +7 3952 65-87-57

e-mail: irkmediator@mail.ru



To a Question of Resocialization of Minors in Conflict with the Law: 
Working Within a Family as a Basis of the Juvenile Crime Prevention


Sadovnikova Marianna Nikolaevna

Ph. D. in Law, Associate Professor

Department of Criminal Law

Law Institute, Irkutsk State University

1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, Russian Federation, 664003

phone +7 3952 74-77-35

e-mail: uventa2001@mail.ru


Anishchenko Alena Sergeevna

Lawyer, Mediator

Noncommercial Organization «Irkutsk Youth Fund of Human Rights Defenders «Yuventa»

of. 525, 160, Piskunova st., Irkutsk, Russian Federation, 664081

phone +7 3952 65-87-57

e-mail: irkmediator@mail.ru


Abstract. The article is dedicated to a subject of a concept of resocialization as key task in work with minor offenders. As indicated at the article

the process of resocialization is not only intra personal changes of the person who committed an offense, but also it includes positive changes

of his social communications during and after serving sentence. The authors emphasize that the family is a basis for resocialization of minor

offenders, as well as a base for prevention of offenses of minors. The placement of the teenager to the secure institution damages relationships

between him and his family. Correction of the relations within a family and between a child and parents is necessary. As well as search and use

of resources of family, active inclusion of family members in education of the child at penitentiary and post-penitentiary stages is necessary

for successful resocialization of the minor offender. However today work with family of the minor serving criminal penalty in the form of imprisonment

represents the weakest link of all system of juvenile crime prevention. Officers of a penal institution often have limited possibilities of corellation with

family of the minor offender because of the fact that minors can be inhabitants of other regions. Authors are strongly convinced that this problem can

be solved through the work of services at the territory of accommodation of the minor and his family, succession in work with the teenager and family

and also development of an effective algorithm of interaction of all services, whose activity is related to the minors and their families.

The authors also say about the role of non-governmental organizations in work with a family of minor convict.
Keywords: family resocialization, minors, family, juvenile crime prevention, individual preventive work, deviant activities, crime.


Полный текст статьи доступен по адресу: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36724307