Формирование иркутского нотариата на основе «Временных правил о применении судебных уставов к губерниям и областям Сибири»

УДК 347.961(571.53)


Логунова Галина Викторовна

кандидат исторических наук, доцент

кафедра политологии, истории и регионоведения

исторический факультет

Иркутский государственный университет

664003, Россия, г. Иркутск, ул. К. Маркса, 1

тел. +7 3952 52-19-66

e-mail: logunova@admin.isu.ru


Аннотация. В продолжение исследования истории возникновения и деятельности в Иркутске института нотариата с конца XVIII в.

до конца XIX в., рассмотрен процесс формирования и деятельности штата иркутских нотариусов в период с 1896 по 1920 г.

Приведены сведения о нормативно-правовой основе его функционирования. Представлены результаты проведенного

исследования процесса назначения и смены нотариусов 
г. Иркутска в рассматриваемый период. Выяснено, что за период действия «Временных правил» обязанности нотариусов

в Иркутске исполняли семь человек, одновременно в городе работали три нотариуса. Выявлены адреса нотариальных контор,

работавших в г. Иркутске в исследуемый период. Имеющиеся архивные материалы позволили представить основные этапы

жизни и деятельности иркутских нотариусов, выявить их социально-сословные характеристики.

Ключевые слова: Сибирь, Иркутск, Иркутский окружной суд, нотариат, нотариус, нотариальный архив.



Formation of a Irkutsk Notariat on the Basis of «Provisional Rules on the Application Of Court Charters to Provinces and Areas of Siberia»


Logunova Galina Viktorovna

Ph. D. in History, Associate Professor

Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies

Department of History

Irkutsk State University

1, K. Marksa st., Irkutsk, Russian Federation, 664003

phone +7 3952 52-19-66

e-mail: logunova@admin.isu.ru


Abstract. The article is a continuation of the author’s study of the history of the origin and activity in Irkutsk of the notarial institute since the end

of the 18th century until the end of the XIX century. This article explores the process of formation and activity of the state of Irkutsk scriveners

in the period from 1896 to 1920. Since the judicial reform of 1864 did not extend to Siberia, the notarial institution in Irkutsk began to be formed

at the end of the 19th century on the basis of the “Provisional rules on the application of judicial statutes to the provinces and regions of Siberia”

of May 13, 1896. The normative and legal basis for the functioning of the notary, as in the whole country, was the “Regulations on the notary part”

of April 14, 1866, which regulated the issues, concerning the selection of notary personnel, their organization of their jobs, etc. The notary

was attached to the district courts, and was an important part of the prerevolutionary judicial system. He carried out a preventive function,

prevented litigation by streamlining the execution of civil transactions. Information on the appointment and dismissal of scriveners from the

post was necessarily published in the Irkutsk Province Gazette. Due to this it became possible to present the process of appointing and

changing the scriveners of Irkutsk in the period under review. In the course of the study, it was found out that during the period of the

“Provisional Rules”, the notaries’ duties in Irkutsk were performed by seven people, simultaneously three scriveners worked in the city.

The addresses of notary offices that worked in Irkutsk during the period under investigation were identified. The available archival materials

allowed to present the main stages of life and activity of Irkutsk scriveners, to reveal their social and class characteristics.


Keywords: Siberia, Irkutsk, Irkutsk District Court, notary, scrivener, notarial archive.


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