УДК 378.4(571.53)
Казарин Виктор Николаевич
доктор исторических наук, профессор
кафедра конституционного права и теории права
Юридический институт, Иркутский государственный университет
664003, Россия, г. Иркутск, ул. К. Маркса, 1
тел. +7 3952 52-11-82
e-mail: kazarinvik@yandex.ru
Аннотация. Рассматривается научно-педагогическая деятельность видного ученого, доктора юридических наук, профессора, заведующего
кафедрой государственного права и советского строительства, декана юридического факультета Иркутского государственного университета
В. А. Пертцика. Приведены сведения о его образовании, участии в Великой Отечественной войне, о наградах, о защите кандидатской
и докторской диссертаций. Проанализированы научные интересы профессора – деятельность органов законодательной и исполнительной власти.
Освещена деятельность по разработке аспектов учебной дисциплины «Советское строительство», по написанию разделов в учебниках
по советскому государственному праву и советскому строительству. Изложена тематика монографий и статей, посвященных вопросам
конституционного развития государства. Дана информация о трудах иркутских исследователей, продолживших в своих
трудах научные традиции творческого наследия В. А. Пертцика.
Ключевые слова: юридическое образование, Иркутский государственный университет, В. А. Пертцик, наука советского
государственного права, продолжение традиций.
The Doctor of Jurisprudence, Professor Vadim Arkadievich Perttsik: the Person
at the Contex of the Epoch. To the 95 Anniversary from the Date of the Birth
Kazarin Victor Nikolaevich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Department of Constitutional Law and Theory of Law
Law Institute, Irkutsk State University
1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, Russian Federation, 664003
phone +7 3952 52-11-82
e-mail: kazarinvik@yandex.ru
Abstract. Scientific and pedagogical activity of the visible scientist, the doctor of jurisprudence, the professor managing chair of state law and the
Soviet building, the dean of faculty of law of Irkutsk state university V. A. Perttsik is considered. V. A. Perttsik – the participant of the Great Patriotic
War, participated in defense of Moscow, in fights in the southwest of Russia, is awarded by awards and medals. Has ended faculty of law of the Moscow
state university, has protected the master’s thesis. With 1954 for 1974 V. A. Perttsik worked in Irkutsk university, supervised over chair and faculty.
Taught courses of the Soviet state law, state law of foreign countries, «the Soviet building», special courses. Headed Council about award of a scientific
degree of the candidate of jurisprudence. In 1961-1963 and 1963-1965 were the deputy of Irkutsk city council of deputies of workers. In 1968 in Uralsk
the state university has protected the thesis for a doctor’s degree devoted to problems of local government in the USSR. In the works actively, applied
methods of sociological researches in studying of activity of bodies legislative and an executive power. A lot of attention gave to questions of activity
of deputies, their communication with voters. Has made specific proposals on perfection of work of the device of executive committees of Councils.
V. A. Perttsik was engaged in working out of aspects of a subject matter «the Soviet building». He is a supervisor of studies of master’s theses
of V. A. Nemtsev and A. I. Kazannik devoted to problems of the administrative-territorial device and economic division into districts of RSFSR,
co-ordinating function of Councils of various levels. Last decades, working in Moscow, V. A. Perttsik, has written sections in textbooks on the
Soviet state law and the Soviet building. One of developers of the Constitution of the USSR Has published monographies and articles devoted
to questions of the constitutional development of the state 1977. Scientific traditions of a creative heritage of V. A. Perttsik are continued in works
of Irkutsk researchers. The Irkutsk scientific and pedagogical community remembers and appreciates V. A. Perttsik as one of organizers
of the juridical education which has brought the contribution to a professional training for judicial and law enforcement bodies in Eastern Siberia.
Keywords: the juridical education, Irkutsk state university, V. A. Perttsik, a science of the Soviet state law, continuation of traditions.
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