УДК 016:347.571.7(55.22)(092)
Акманов Степан Степанович
кандидат юридических наук, доцент
кафедра гражданского права
Юридический институт, Иркутский государственный университет
664003, Россия, г. Иркутск, ул. К. Маркса, 1
тел. +7 3952 52-11-89
e-mail: civil@lawinstitut.ru
Аннотация. Освещена научно-педагогическая деятельность доктора юридических наук, профессора Зои Григорьевны Крыловой,
рассмотрен её жизненный путь от школьной скамьи до должности профессора. Даны сведения о среде, в которой родилась и выросла
З. Г. Крылова, о ее отце. Изложены проблемы, на которые З. Г. Крылова обратила внимание в своей кандидатской диссертации,
в частности переход по наследству вкладов в сберкассах СССР. Отмечен ее существенный вклад в исследование специфики
института наследования (завещания) в советском гражданском праве. Подчеркивается научная новизна докторской диссертации
«Исполнение обязательства поставки», освещены ее научные результаты. Сделан вывод о важной роли профессора З. Г. Крыловой
в подготовке научных кадров для кафедры гражданского права ИГУ. Приводятся наиболее значительные из опубликованных
научных трудов, посвященных различным проблемам цивилистической науки.
Ключевые слова: договор поставки; ненадлежащее исполнение обязательства; неисполнение обязательства; реальное исполнение
обязательства; право наследования по советскому гражданскому праву; наука гражданского права.
The Contribution of Professor Zoya Grigorievna Krylova to the Formation of the Irkutsk Civil School
Akmanov Stepan Stepanovich
Ph. D. in Law, Associate Professor
Department of Civil Law, Law Institute, Ir-kutsk State University
1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, Russian Federation, 664003
phone +7 3952 52-11-89
e-mail: civil@lawinstitut.ru
Abstract. The essay is dedicated to the memory of the scientific and pedagogical activity of the doctor of law, Professor Zoya Grigorievna Krylova.
The essay traces her life path from the school to the position of professor. Zoya Grigorievna Krylova was born on January 17, 1925 in Leningrad.
In 1942 she graduated from school № 167 in Moscow. In 1942 she entered the Law faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. She graduated
from the University in 1946. After graduating from Moscow State University she worked as a legal adviser at the State Opera and Drama Theater
named after K.S. Stanislavsky from August 1946 to October 1948. In 1948 she entered postgraduate studies in the department of civil law and procedure
of Law faculty of the Moscow State University. According to the results of training in postgraduate studies Zoya Grigorievna Krylova prepared and
defended her dissertation on inheritance in Soviet civil law. Her further active life and destiny were associated with the Irkutsk State University for
many years. In 1955 Zoya Grigorievna Krylova was elected by competition for the position of associate professor of the Irkutsk branch of the All-USSR
Correspondence Institute of Law, where she taught a course of lectures on Soviet civil law. After the merger of the branch of the Institute and the Irkutsk
University, she worked at the Faculty of Law of the Irkutsk State University as head of the Department of Civil Law and the Process until January 1972.
At the same time, she was engaged in the study of the problems of the supply contract. The result of her work was the defense of her doctoral dissertation
on the topic: “Discharge of the delivery obligation”. In 1969, Zoya Grigorievna Krylova was awarded the degree of Doctor of Law. And in 1970 she was
approved in the academic title of professor. The article underlines the great contribution of Professor Zoya Grigorievna Krylova in the training
of scientific personnel for the Department of Civil Law of the ISU.
Keywords: contract for delivery; improper discharge of the obligation; non-discharge of the obligation; real discharge of the obligation; the right
of inheritance under the Soviet civil law; civil law science.
Полный текст статьи доступен по адресу: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36724296