УДК: 343.98
Князьков Алексей Степанович
ГОУ ВПО «Томский государственный университет»,
634050, г. Томск, Московский тракт, 8
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с тактико-криминалистическими положениями, носящими общий характер. Предлагаются подходы к построению методологически выверенной системы названных положений.
Ключевые слова: тактические положения, имеющие общий характер, общие положения криминалистической тактики, общие положения тактики следственного действия, общие тактические приемы.
General Tactical Criminalistical Regulations: Concept and Contains
Knyazkov Aleksey Stepanovich
Tomsk State University,
8, Moskovsky trakt st., Tomsk, Russia, 634050
Abstract. Modern development of Russian criminalistics is characterized by search of systematic relations between its separate elements, determination of essence of each of them in order to discover search-cognitive opportunities of criminalistical principles, means and methods. Tactical criminalistical regulations (by virtue of its importance to determine direction of theoretical and practical improvement) demand special analysis in order to build up precise methodological system of common and particular regulations. This article is devoted to the questions of tactical regulations, which have common character. The author points out the diversification of types of tactical regulations, which have common character - from common tactical regulations as section of criminalistics to common tactical regulations of one or another part of investigation. Simultaneously, the notion of common tactical methods, its relatedness with notion of common tactical regulations is considered. The author formulates principles of construction of tactical regulations' system, which have common character.
Key words: tactical regulations, which have common character, common regulations of criminalistical tactics, common tactical regulations of investigation,common tactical methods.
Полный текст статьи доступен по адресу: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=15134796